Become a Supporter
Why Support
Your support for The Commodore helps us bring world-class comedy to Tampa Bay, filling a longstanding void in the local entertainment scene. Your contributions aid in, among other things, structurally and aesthetically improving the space, and accelerating the necessary infrastructural improvements to support beer and wine sales. More than just a comedy theater, we’re building a community space where performers and audiences can reconnect via the magic of live performance. Following the events of the past several years, we would submit that there has never been a greater need for person-to-person connection.
We’re committed to fostering an inclusive, safe space for comedy that’s free from discrimination. By supporting us, you’re investing in a vibrant, creative future for Tampa Bay. Let’s laugh together!
How to Support
The Commodore is owned and managed by Commodore Comedy LLC, a five-member Florida for-profit corporation. Contributions to The Commodore via the link on our website are not tax-deductible.

Thank You to Our Supporters
Alumni Comedy
Amy Angelilli
Michael J. Astrauskas
Atlas Improv Co
Available Cupholders
Arthur Baker, Esq.
Amanda Balter
Gina Barbanera
Kyle Barrett
Denzel Belin
Miranda Meeps Bettaglio
Chris Bottum
Jesse Bradley-Amore
Tom Caron
Bree Casper
Hadas Cassorla
Lisa Chamoff
Courtney Chinn
Jeron D.
Sarah Davis
George Decker
Will DeHaan
Dan Deming-Henes
Amber Dernbach
Sirrah Dobbert
Victoria Dym
Elsie Doughty
Steven Fage
The Fella Family
Bryan Fernando
John Flanagan & Josie Caglianone
Ken and Donna Gaines
Taylor Gaines
Alicia K. Garcia
Chris George
Heather & Dave Hamar
Harrison Family
Tom Haselwood
Gavin Hawk
Nick Henriquez
Highwire Improv
I am Groot
Imposters Theater
Improv Cincinnati
Anne Jones
Jordache Jordan
Diane Jorge
Jon Kass
Kat Kass
M. Kass
Kat & Nate
Darryl Knapp
Marissa Nicole Koch
Wyatt & Sarah Krapf
Michael Krefting
Ralph krumins
Lauren & Patrick
Mel Lunderby
Kai Lymch
Steven Mangold
Matt Walker’s Crippling Self-Doubt
Dash Maverick
Dodie McDow
Patrick McInnis
Dylan Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Casey J. Newman
Dr. Brooks Oglesby
Jack Orchard
Jim Parent
Alison Pearn
Omar Peerzada
Carrie Pinkard
Matt Pinkowski
Lauren R.
Brandon Rhodes
Lisa Robbins
Rodezno Family
Ferdi Rodriguez
Amanda Rogers
Roundabout Improv
Micho Rutare
Aubrey Sambor
Chelsey Savon
Emilee Seda
Brian and Maria Shea
Kyle Shoemaker
Nifer Sims
Stefan & Carmen Smith
Sophia Peerzada
Gavin Stark
Mary Tam & Family
Tampa News Force
Kathleen Taylor
[email protected]
The Third Thought
Lainey Walsh
Donna White
Daniel “Andrew blackmailed me to do this” Williams
Eli Wilz
Ricky Zanker
Lilith Zarling
Ryan Zarra
Laura Zingle